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Cardano Enterprise Db-sync

00 Features

01 Infrastructure

We maintain a redundant infrastructure to minimise the risk of instance downtime or interruption of data feed delivery.

see 01 Infrastructure

02 Virtual Private Network

The computers in our setup are connected through a VPN (WireGuard).

see 02 VPN

03 Software setup

Description of compiling and setup of the necessary software components (node and Db-sync) is described in 03 Software.

04 High availability and risks

We discuss aspects of our high availability setup and the risks and mitigations in 04 High availability.

05 Demonstrations

Videos of capturing output in a terminal that demonstrates the update from the blockchain in our two independent pipelines of Db-sync and the downstream database replica.

Also shown is the behaviour in case of one database getting inaccessible and how the proxy automatically switches to using the other one.

see 05 Demonstration

06 Monitoring

Description of our monitoring stack: 06 Monitoring

07 Hard forks

Description of our process during hard forks: 07 Hard forks